Top Ten Ways to Use Cold Outreach for Selling a Physical Product

Chris Bradford
September 12th, 2023

Mastering the Art of Cold Outreach: Building Trust Before Making the Sale

Cold emailing & general messaging is an art. It's the delicate balance of approaching a potential customer without prior engagement, aiming to pique their interest in a product they might not even know they need.

The challenge? No one likes to feel like they're just another tick in a salesperson's quota. So, how do you use cold email effectively to sell a product without coming off as pushy?

Begin we begin, It goes without saying but none of the items below mean a darn thing if you don't have the right targeting in your list. So ensure your list is accurate + targeted & valid, then implement the below principles for success.

1. Understand the Power of First Impressions

Your first email or message sets the stage. It's crucial to remember that you're not just selling a product; you're selling a relationship and trust in your brand. The tone you use, the information you provide, and even the timing of your email all play a role in setting the stage for a potential relationship.

2. Be Friendly, But Professional

Use a conversational tone. Address the recipient by their first name, and make sure your email isn’t a monotonous block of text. Incorporate short, clear sentences. Personalize the message, maybe reference a shared interest or something you know is relevant to them. Show them you did some homework and care to get this right.

3. Deliver Value Right from the Start

Before introducing your product, offer some value. Share a relevant blog post, industry insight, or even a case study that might interest them. Your goal is not to pitch immediately, but to showcase that you understand their pain points and you're there to help.

4. Don't Overwhelm with Information

It's essential to be concise. While it's tempting to list all the features and benefits of your product, resist the urge. Focus on one or two key points that might resonate with your prospect and build curiosity.

5. Nurture, Don’t Nag

Nurturing means sending follow-up emails that continue to deliver value. It's not about saying, "Hey, just checking in!" every week. Offer more insights, share updates about the industry, or provide a free resource. Keep fostering trust.

6. Be Patient and Listen

If a potential customer replies, even if it's just a query, listen actively. Understand their concerns and address them. This is where the trust-building truly begins.

7. Gradually Introduce Your Product

Once you've built some rapport and offered value, you can start discussing your product. Frame it in a way that addresses the recipient's challenges. Make it about them, not about the product. Show them how your product can solve their specific problem.

8. Avoid Hard Selling

Instead of pushing for an immediate purchase, consider offering a free trial, a demo, or a consultation. This further demonstrates your confidence in the product and gives the prospect a low-risk opportunity to engage.

9. Use Social Proof

Including testimonials or case studies in your emails can work wonders. When potential customers see that others have benefited from your product, they're more likely to consider it for themselves.

10. Perfect Your Call-to-Action (CTA)

Every email should have a purpose. What action do you want the reader to take after reading your email? Make sure your CTA is clear but not forceful. The ending question is often the most important aspect of the message and can be make or break depending on how well you pique their interest. Try to offer informative help, insights, recommendations, helpful tips and other items that prove you are credible and looking to help them.

11. Remember, It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Building trust takes time. Some prospects might become customers after a few emails, while others might take months. Respect their pace and continue offering value.

12. Always Seek Feedback

If someone responds stating they're not interested, it's okay to ask for feedback. Understand why. This will not only provide insights for future campaigns but also shows that you value their opinion.


Cold outreach (to a targeted list), when done right, is more than just a sales strategy; it's a relationship-building tool. As you begin or refine your cold approach, always prioritize trust-building over immediate sales. In the long run, the relationships you build will be far more valuable than any single sale. Remember, it's not just about closing a deal; it's about opening a door to lasting customer relationships.

If you need help testing or implementing any product sales cold outreach strategies, you use can to help you build winning prospect groups, pipelines and relationships.

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Top Ten Ways to Use Cold Outreach for Selling a Physical Product