Lisa Thornton secures more freelance copywriting clients

Facing unprecedented challenges

Lisa Thornton was facing something she never before: the prospect of having zero paid clients and not being able to make ends meet. She had been full time freelancing for 10 years now and things always seemed to go great. Her referral network was booming and every month new clients seemed to find her... until they didn't. The past 6 months her referral network dried up and her long time paid clients had sold their businesses or moved on.

She knew she needed to do something different but wasn't sure where to start.

Trying something new


With no freelancing clients left and no new prospects on the horizon, Lisa needed to find a solution that would help her regain control of her career and generate her own leads.


After conducting thorough research on her options, Lisa decided to try Growtoro, a platform that offered data-driven outreach and lead generation tools specifically tailored for freelancers. Growtoro provided Lisa with access to a vast database of potential clients and allowed her to create highly targeted outreach campaigns that aligned with her expertise and goals.

With her copywriting expertise, she was excited to dive in.


With Growtoro at her disposal, Lisa set about crafting a comprehensive outreach strategy. She began by identifying her ideal client profile and used Growtoro's advanced filtering options to create a list of potential leads that matched her criteria. Next, she designed a multi-channel outreach campaign, including personalized emails, LinkedIn messages, and follow-ups, all managed through Growtoro's intuitive platform.

She wrote extremely effective messaging that resulted in excited responses and meetings.


Within just two months of using Growtoro, Lisa secured five new paying clients, two of whom became her highest-ever monthly retainer clients. Her success was a direct result of the platform's powerful data and outreach tools, which allowed her to create targeted campaigns and connect with prospects that were a perfect fit for her services.

Moreover, Lisa's newfound ability to generate her own leads has given her a newfound sense of confidence and independence. She had this to say "It felt so empowering to be able to just generate new leads whenever I felt like it, instead of anxiously filling my days waiting for someone from my network to reach out to me. I had no hope, now I feel my future is more in my own hands."

No longer reliant on her referral network, she now feels empowered to take control of her freelance career and create her own opportunities for growth.

“It felt so empowering to be able to just generate new leads whenever I felt like it, instead of anxiously filling my days waiting for someone from my network to reach out to me. I had no hope, now I feel my future is more in my own hands."”

Security and Comfort


Lisa Thornton's experience with Growtoro demonstrates the power of data-driven outreach and lead generation for freelancers. By leveraging the platform's advanced tools, she was able to overcome her challenges and secure valuable new clients, while also gaining the skills and confidence necessary to maintain her success in the long term. Growtoros has not only helped Lisa revive her freelance copywriting career but has also shown her the power of taking matters into her own hands!

For more information on how we can help you get more freelancing clients, please contact our sales team at:

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